It's the North American Handmade Bicycle Show and it's coming to Salt Lake City this year! It's such a fun and cool event. We went last year when it was held in Sacramento and my mind was blown by how creative people were when building bikes.
The show consists of 140 bike builders and exhibitors to show off some of the prettiest bikes around. If you are a bike enthusiast you must go to this show and enjoy the possibilities of biking.
North American Handmade Bicycle Show (NAHBS) from NAHBS on Vimeo.
Here is a video teaser from last years show in Sacramento. The bike that won was one of our favorites. We both enjoy bike packing lol.
Anyways if you like bikes and if you like to keep up with the new and up and coming things then this show is for you, not to mention its in our backyard! Click here to buy tickets for the show.