'Hey mom, I need more room...'

August 19, 2015

That's what I picture her saying every time she kicks or punches me. 'Yo I need more space, can you grow a little more please!' This little girl also does not like me holding other babies either, I was holding a newborn the other day at a shower and little H was kicking the newborn in the butt. Little H needs an early lesson on sharing haha

Went to my 28 week check up, everything went great. Passes my glucose test, nastiest thing in the world. I almost puked, I was trying my hardest to hold it in because I didn't want to have to do the whole thing over again. The taste of the drink wasn't actually bad, I'm just a slow drinker in general so downing that whole thing within 5 min was really difficult. I also found out I was slightly anemic. Anemic to an OB office nurse and an ICU nurse are COMPLETELY different, when she told me my level I was like 'well looks like I'll eat a steak tonight.' It was no big deal and I'm not worried about it at all, now if my level was in the 20's then I'll worry. 

Moving is getting difficult, working is increasing in difficulty also. I had to run to an emergency situation in the past week and as I was running I realized how hard it is. I got to the emergency situation and everyone was worried I was going to go into labor or something. I was fine, and just wanted to get the patient to the appropriate place for them to get the appropriate care. 

I registered for my baby showers. Man I was completely clueless! I took my neighbor with me and I'm so glad I did. I ended up registering at Target and Buy Buy Baby. I also bought my glider! I was super stoked on that because that was the last big item I needed to buy for the nursery. I'm still on the look out for a rug, and rugsusa is where I'll buy it I'm just waiting for another one of their amazing sales. 

I can't believe we are already in the 3rd trimester! Actually it hasn't come soon enough for me. I am ready to meet this little girl and get the next hurdle over and done with...delivery! I'm ready, freaking out but ready. Pregnancy is a weird thing your body goes there and those people who say they 'love it' are weirdos. I'm excited to have my body back, do the activities I enjoy, and include my little girl in them too. She's defiantly going to be growing up at the bike shop (PS if you didn't know my husband and I own a bike shop @loyalcycleco on IG) and will be camping, riding in the bike trailer, and boating next spring/summer with us. Oh we have plans lol lets just hope they all work out. 

All photos  were taken by the amazing Haley Hoover Photo. You can find her on IG @haleyhooverphoto

Today starts another week, and another week I'm sure will be bring new challenges. Bring it on! 

Outfit Details
Skirt- Nordstrom
Shirt- Target
Shoes- Forever 21
Socks- Target
Sunglasses- Raybans
Necklace- I honestly don't remember :(

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