If you haven't ever been on a let me explain to you the process of actually getting on the boat.
1. They make everyone show up to the pier at a certain time, from there someone takes your bag and you hope they show up in your stateroom later. ps I've always gotten my bag.
2. They make you fill out a 'medical form' asking you questions like Have you been in contact with someone with ebola recently or Have you had a fever, vomited, or had diarrhea recently. After some lady checks all your answer she sends you off to another room.
3. In this room you wait until the floor where your stateroom is called, then you can actually check in and get your cruise card. When you get your cruise card, it's everything. It's your debit card, credit card, stateroom key, and ID. If you loose it...no good.
4. Ok after you check in, get your cruise card then you are herded into another big room where you wait and wait and wait.
5. Finally you get to embark onto the ship and guess where we b-lined too? The buffet! We are so hungry and it was so yummy!