Travel with Gentri Lee to Yellowstone N.P.

January 08, 2015

Traveling, exploring, and going on adventures is what fuels my soul; there is almost nothing that makes makes me feel more alive than seeing and experiencing somewhere new. In fall of 2013 I took a spontaneous trip to stay with one of my best friends, Brandi from Run Style Run. She had always said I could visit her anytime, and one weekend I decided to take her up on it. We spent the first night visiting thrift stores, trying delicious restaurants, and seeing movies. But on Saturday we geared up and headed out to Yellowstone National Park.

It was the day before the park closed for the season, the town just outside the park was practically deserted and there was very little traffic throughout the park. The changing of the seasons were doing wonderful things to the scenery, it all looked magical. We saw buffalo, elk, eagles, and more. We watched Old Faithful go off and hiked the trails. We wandered until our souls were filled and our bellies were empty.

I had packed all of the necessities for this trip... except my camera... Of course! But I can't tell you how wonderful it was to only worry about my phone and not lug around my heavy camera. It helped keep me focused on my surroundings rather than photo settings. On the way into the park, we stopped for gas and at the register I picked up some disposable cameras. We had so much fun using those, as well! I still haven't developed the pictures, but finally used the last one recently. I'm excited to relive the memories through prints! So next time you take a trip, I recommend leaving the camera behind, but maybe grab your phone and a disposable, just in case...

What made this trip one of my favorites was the spontaneity of it all. I threw caution to the wind and headed north. There were no set plans, no restraints. This trip holds some of my fondest memories.

Have you ever set off on a last minute vacation?

Yellowstone with snow looks so dreamy, I've never been during the winter but will have to make the journey here shortly. Go visit Gentri Lee at her blog, she's literally 1 of my first blog friends and our friendship continues. 

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